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“The labels on these foods are ridiculous,” says Dr. Rick Cohen, MD, “But beneath the pageantry of organic, vegan, low-fat and gluten-free – is a deadly trap for people who struggle with high blood sugar and A1C.”
Dr. Cohen is the chief medical advisor at the Cambridge Center of Holistic Health in Boston. During his 22 years of clinical practice, he’s treated over 4,300 blood sugar patients.
Functional Medicine Practitioner
“Every living thing from golden retrievers, to trees, to humans burns SUGAR for energy. So why does it give us so many problems?” asks Dr. Cohen, “And why are 66% of Americans overweight, diabetic, or pre-diabetic?”
After poring over new medical research from Harvard, and Washington University – Dr. Cohen is sharing his shocking new findings in a free groundbreaking presentation.
You’ll discover a simple, natural way to activate a “sugar-burning switch” in your cells, to quickly stabilize blood sugar levels. Plus, an unexpected list of “never-touch” foods & drinks to avoid if you have stubborn A1C levels.
Dr. Cohen says:
“Every time you walk down a “healthy” aisle of your grocery store – these 5 fake health foods are hiding on the shelves
And, like a snake in the grass, you can’t see the danger until after you’re bitten. If you have high blood sugar & A1C levels – do NOT pick them up.”
Let’s take a look…
Twist around most tubs of non-fat or no-fat yogurt at your grocery store.
Chances are, you’ll see 13… 19… even 28 grams of sugar hiding in a single serving of this fake “health food.”
It’s a disaster for your blood sugar. Try Greek yogurt instead – it’s packed with powerful gut-healing probiotics (usually packs less than 5 grams of sugar – that’s two to five times LESS).
Gluten-free pretzels use flours derived from alternatives like corn, rice, or tapioca – which are just as high in carbs as wheat flour.
In fact, a side-by-side comparison of a major pretzel maker (you’d know the name) revealed the gluten-free version actually had 9% MORE carbs.
Plus, by adding sugars for taste, and stripping the fibers that absorb sugar – this “safe” snack adds up to a dangerous blood sugar concoction you should always avoid.
You’ve been told you should be getting more greens all your life. The problem with green smoothies and juices? They pack too much green.
It sounds crazy, but think about it: our ancestors didn’t have blenders. They chewed their food. With liquefied food – you absorb up to double the sugars and carbohydrates than if you chewed it. This single kale & ginger smoothie packs 23% more sugar than a can of Coke!
Plus, you lose out on most of the healthy fibers. If you’re craving fruits and veggies – EAT them, don’t drink them.
Remove the sugar, remove the spike, right? Wrong!
A new 18-year Harvard study found one of the worst things you can drink for your blood sugar is diet soda. In fact, people who drank diet soda passed away earlier than those who drank coffee, tea, and low-fat milk.
Plus, certain sweeteners in diet soda can trigger the release of insulin, even though there’s no sugar to absorb. This can confuse your body’s blood sugar regulation in the long run…
Which leads us smack into the #1 blood sugar-destroying “health food.”
Coffee sweeteners are one of the sneakiest things that destroy your blood sugar. Most people don’t think twice about them because, technically, they’re “sugar-free.” You know those little yellow, pink, and white packets you see at the diner? One of those is 3x worse for your blood glucose than white sugar!
Inside Dr. Cohen’s controversial new presentation, he’s sharing the names of the top 3 worst coffee sweeteners, ones that are safe to drink, plus a new compound that’s 5X more effective than Metformin.
Top 3 worst coffee sweeteners for your blood sugar (video)
On the flip side of the fake “health foods” we’ve just covered above…
There’s a handful of delicious foods Dr. Cohen fears Americans aren’t getting enough of.
And he says every single one of these “blood sugar heroes” can help lower your A1C, make you feel “Thanksgiving full,” and even lose weight.
For decades, doctors referenced scientific studies that demonized foods with high lipid and cholesterol content.
But guess what? Those studies were funded by billion-dollar companies trying to sell you carbohydrates & processed foods.
Dr. Cohen says: “Your doctor wasn’t lying to you, he was just misinformed. But now a new body of medical research on blood sugar proves they were dead wrong.”
Let’s take a look.
Get this: eggs are THE most nutrient-dense food on the planet. Notably, they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests omega-3s improve insulin sensitivity and reduce triglycerides, a type of fat linked to insulin resistance.
Phew, okay – eggs are safe! Now another head-scratcher: Regular vs. cage-free vs. pasture-raised. Which eggs are best?
Well, did you know all “cage-free” means is there’s one little door, for potentially thousands of chickens in the henhouse? Sadly, most of those hens will never find the door or see the light of day. To maximize the blood sugar benefits of your eggs, look for pasture-raised eggs.
Crazy, right? Butter has been a blood sugar demon for decades. Yet, now modern nutrition recognizes healthy oils and fats work as a dynamic duo – to supply your body with essential fatty acids for blood sugar stabilization.
Gass-fed butter is also a rich source of beta-carotene: a precursor of vitamin A, known to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Here’s the catch: the only source of healthy butter for blood sugar is from grass-fed cows. Avoid butter “substitutes,” no matter what the label says.
Speaking of healthy fats, high-quality bacon can do wonders for your blood sugar. You heard that right – savory, salty strips of thick-cut bacon can help HEAL your metabolic health.
The fats in bacon contain about 50% monounsaturated fat and oleic acid, which is the same healthy fat you find in olive oil. The rest is mostly saturated fat, which once was thought to be deadly, but is now understood as a necessary fat for smooth blood sugar function.
Just make sure you buy “humanely raised,” organic pork, for the highest-quality, lowest-additive choice.
Avocados are hands-down one of THE most nutritious foods you can eat. Despite what they say about “fattiness,” and in fact because of the healthy fats contained inside, these creamy green delights help stabilize your blood sugar and insulin.
The healthy fat content in avocados also makes you feel full longer, which reduces junk food cravings. Plus the high potassium content in avocados helps regulate blood sugar and guard against high blood pressure, heart disease, and even strokes.
Saving the best for last, a landmark study published in the Journal of Metabolism proves Dr. Cohen’s #1 pick beat the pants off Metformin in a head-to-head test.
The results were simply staggering – eating this “blood sugar hero” food:
Click here to watch Dr. Cohen reveal his #1 “blood sugar hero” food now